The VTC-4000
system packs maximum power into a small, affordable VTR/DDR Controller.
Designed for the tape operator, powerful features are available, yet
easy to use. Able to control up to 10 machines, frame accurate edits are
made easily with any number of record machines. Synchronous roll and
looping capability are included. Features include the ability to capture
the synch relationship between machines involved in an edit and ones
rolled manually, enabling frame-accurate pick up edits. 500 edit events
are standard, each with separate IN points per machine. Record inhibit
(playback), hard record, assemble edit, or insert edit are assigned per
VTR. Auto tag and single monitor preview can be selected to speed the
editing process. The control panel connects to the 1RU rack mount
RM-4000 with a single cable that can span up to a kilometer. No monitor
or mouse is needed. GPIs that roll VTRs and GPOs that can be used to
fire switcher autotrans & effects are standard. |